
株式会社ゼロボード 営業本部長
小野 泰司
1.CHAPTER VII Obligations of economic operators as regards battery due diligence policies
【Article 47】
This Chapter does not apply to economic operators that had a net turnover of less than EUR 40 million in the financial year preceding the last financial year, and that are not part of a group, consisting of parent and subsidiary undertakings, which, on a consolidated basis, exceeds the limit of EUR 40 million.
➡︎ 対象は、前会計年度の純売上高が4,000万ユーロ以上の事業者
From 18 August 2025, economic operators that place batteries on the market or put them into service shall fulfil the due diligence obligations laid down in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article, and in Articles 49, 50 and 52 and shall, to that end, set up and implement battery due diligence policies.
➡︎ 適用開始は、2025年8月18日から
Economic operators referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall have their battery due diligence policies verified by a notified body in accordance with Article 51 (‘third-party verification’) and periodically audited by that notified body to make sure that the battery due diligence policies are maintained and applied in accordance with Articles 49, 50 and
52. The notified body shall provide the audited economic operator with an audit report.
➡︎ notified body(以下nd)による第三者検証が必要。またDDポリシーはndにより定期的に監査を受ける。
By 18 February 2025, the Commission shall publish guidelines as regards the application of the due diligence requirements laid down in Articles 49 and 50, with regard to the risks referred to in point 2 of Annex X, and in line, in particular, with the international instruments referred to in points 3 and 4 of Annex X.
➡︎ 2025年2月18日までにガイドラインが公表される
3. 人権DD対応のアプローチと欧州電池規則における人権DD対応